Smile Whitéye 15ml
こちらの商品は「Eye drops」です。
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Ease congestion and help clear white eye. Effective for eye strain.
※Accelerates metabolism. For your healthy eye. Aproaches to your congestion and tired eyes. Quick Effect, white eye formulation.
+※Accelerates metabollism. Includes congestion removal and other supportive ingredients. Removes your congestion quickly and leads to white and clear eyes.
●tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride
●dipotassium glycyrrhizinate
●chlorpheniramine maleat: Supplies nutrition and oxygen, and accelerates metabolism. Heals your tired eyes.
●potassium L‐aspartate
※effects as of ingredients
Caution for use
■■Caution■■ 1.Following persons must go see your doctor, pharmacist or certified seller: (1)receiving treatment of doctor. (2)have experienced allergic reaction to medicine. (3)having sever pain in eyes. (4)being diagnosed as glaucoma
2. Following symptoms are examples of side effects. When having those symptoms after using the product, stop using immediately and go see your doctor, pharmacist or certified seller with this document:
related body part・・・symptoms skin・・・rash・redness, itchiness eye・・・congestion, itchiness, swelling, stinging
3. When following cases happen, stop the use and go see your doctor, pharmacist or certified seller with this document: (1)not getting the dimness cleared (2)not getting better after using for 5-6 days.
Out of 100 mL,
〔active ingredients〕;〔amount〕0.05g,〔effect〕prevents congestion on eyes
100mL中 〔有効成分〕 塩酸テトラヒドロゾリン 〔含 量〕 0.05g 〔はたらき〕 目の充血を抑えます。 〔有効成分〕 グリチルリチン酸二カリウム 〔含 量〕 0.25g 〔はたらき〕 目の炎症を鎮めます。 〔有効成分〕 クロルフェニラミンマレイン酸塩 〔含 量〕 0.03g 〔はたらき〕 目のかゆみなどの不快な症状を抑えます。 〔有効成分〕 パンテノール 〔含 量〕 0.1g 〔はたらき〕 新陳代謝を促す作用があるビタミンです。 〔有効成分〕 L-アスパラギン酸カリウム 〔含 量〕 1g 〔はたらき〕 目に酸素を取り込むアミノ酸類です。 添加物として、アミノカプロン酸、エデト酸Na、プロピレングリコール、 クロロブタノール、塩化ベンザルコニウム、l-メントール、ゲラニオール、 pH調整剤を含む。
dongestion on conjunctive, tiredness of eyes, prevention of eye diseases (after swimming, or when dusts or sweat get in your eyes), eye inflammation by UV or other sun rays (e.g. snow blindness), blepharitis (inflammation of eye lid), itchiness or dimness of eyes (having a lot of eye mucus), and discomfort on wearing hard contact lenses.
1日3~6回、1回1~3滴を点眼してください。 <用法・用量に関連する注意> (1)過度に使用すると、異常なまぶしさを感じたり、かえって充血を招くことがあ ります。 (2)小児に使用させる場合には、保護者の指導監督のもとに使用させてください。 (3)容器の先を目やまぶた、まつ毛に触れさせないでください(汚染や異物混入( 目やにやほこり等)の原因になります。)。また、混濁したものは使用しない でください。 (4)ソフトコンタクトレンズを装着したまま使用しないでください。 (5)点眼用にのみ使用してください。
■■Caution■■ 1.Following persons must go see your doctor, pharmacist or certified seller: (1)receiving treatment of doctor. (2)have experienced allergic reaction to medicine. (3)having sever pain in eyes. (4)being diagnosed as glaucoma
2. Following symptoms are examples of side effects. When having those symptoms after using the product, stop using immediately and go see your doctor, pharmacist or certified seller with this document:
related body part・・・symptoms skin・・・rash・redness, itchiness eye・・・congestion, itchiness, swelling, stinging
3. When following cases happen, stop the use and go see your doctor, pharmacist or certified seller with this document: (1)not getting the dimness cleared (2)not getting better after using for 5-6 days.
Lion Corporation Customer Center
1-3-7, Honsho, Sumida-ward, Tokyo.
9:00~17:00(except on Sat. Sun. and holidays)